Tag Archives | appraise jewelry

star sapphire ring

S is for September…and Sapphires

September’s birthstone, the luminous sapphire, checks all of the “s” boxes—sumptuous shade, strength, and stylish star: Its sky blue shade ranges from the vibrant hue of mid-day to the rich, navy of the night sky. And, while we think of sapphires as being blue, there can be other colors, as well. It’s strong, second only […]

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Turquoise with matrix

Celebrating Turquoise, December’s Peaceful Birthstone

December is such a hectic month that it’s fitting that its birthstone is the turquoise, which legend says bestows peace on the wearer. We love our turquoise jewelry! You may think of turquoise as a North American gem, but it’s actually ancient. Samples have turned up in excavations of Egypt (from 4,000 BC!) and China. […]

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Opal love: Celebrating a shimmery October birthstone

The opal is a perfect October birthstone with a fiery kaleidoscope of colors that mirror the changing autumn leaves. According to the GIA, the opal has always been seen as magical. Arabic legends say it falls from the heavens in flashes of lightning. The ancient Greeks believed opals gave their owners the gift of prophecy […]

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