Opal love: Celebrating a shimmery October birthstone

The opal is a perfect October birthstone with a fiery kaleidoscope of colors that mirror the changing autumn leaves. According to the GIA, the opal has always been seen as magical. Arabic legends say it falls from the heavens in flashes of lightning. The ancient Greeks believed opals gave their owners the gift of prophecy and guarded them from disease. Europeans considered the gem a symbol of hope, purity, and truth.”

What makes an opal shimmer?

Opals are made up of microscopic pieces of silica. The grids of the silica spheres cause the bright color flashes. There is a high percentage of water in the crystal structure—up to 20%, which makes the stone softer than other minerals. The opals that flash with color are called “precious opals”; those without the intense colors are “common opals.”

If you’re buying an opal

  1. Examine the play-of-color. Put the stone against a dark background under light to get the best sense of it. The most valuable colors (in order) are: red, orange yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
  2. Check out the background. Is it clear or milky? Does it show any signs of cracking?
  3. Get the right setting. Opals are delicate…they rank low on the Mohs scale, at about 5.5 to 6. This means they can crack if they’re exposed to high or low temperatures, direct light, or bangs and bumps. Consider an opal pendant or earrings instead of an everyday ring (or look for a bezel setting that can protect it).
  4. Look for interesting cuts. Irregular shapes in fine opals can enhance their fire and color.
  5. Make sure it’s protected. Since opals are delicate, make sure you insure your jewelry appropriately.

The value of an appraisal

Whether you’re thinking of selling, insuring, or donating, or handing down your jewelry, watches, or silver, you need to know what they’re worth. That begins with an expert appraisal. Whether I come to your home or you visit me at my office, I’ll take care of the details. Contact me to get the documentation you need for peace of mind.

Iridescently yours, Aimee



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