peridot earrings

August’s birthstone: The peridot, gift of the volcanoes

August is the only month to actually have three birthstones: the peridot, spinel, and sardonyx (known for its use in cameos). But for fresh green sparkle, nothing can top the peridot, which ranges from bright green to green-yellow. It’s also the stone for a 16th anniversary. Formed in volcanoes This gemstone was formed early in […]

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Diamond ring

Diamonds: A girl’s best friend (and April’s birthstone!)

Ice. Bling. Rocks. Diamonds have brought fire and ice to people’s lives for centuries. Are you an April baby? You’re lucky enough to have it as your birthstone. And as every bride knows, the indestructible diamond is the perfect symbol of never-ending love. The Hercules of gems: Diamonds are the strongest natural substance—the name comes […]

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aquamarine ring

A Gift from the Mermaids: Aquamarine, March’s Birthstone

Do you love being near the ocean? March’s birthstone, the aquamarine, can keep those waves close to you all year-round. Its blue-green depths are as clear and bottomless as the sea. Aquamarine gets its name from the Latin “aqua marina,” or “sea water.” Early sailors believed that it was a gift from the mermaids—and that […]

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