Tag Archives | jewelry

Every Woman Needs a Tiara: From the royal collection

Always walk around like you have on an invisible tiara. —Paris Hilton Let’s be honest…you want one. Most women do. And anyone who’s been to a wedding can attest to the popularity of tiaras—making the bride a princess for the day. Tiaras symbolize social status and power. Rulers have worn them all through history, from […]

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October’s birthstone, the Opal: Lightning in a Gemstone

One of the most beautiful and varied gemstones around, the opal—October’s birthstone—has been revered from early days. Bedouins believed they contained lightning and fell from the sky during thunderstorms. Ancient Greeks thought they brought the gift of prophesy and protection. October’s birthstone is a gem like no other. Interesting facts about opals Unlike other gemstones, […]

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collection of gemstones

10 Hot Facts About Cool Gems (How many do you know?)

With summer’s heat, here are some fun facts about jewelry to take your mind off the weather. Amaze your friends with your knowledge—and if you know more than 7, you’re a jewelry genius! Ancient Egyptians believed that gold was “the flesh of the gods” (since it was so soft) and held mystical powers. The first […]

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Hot Jewelry Trends for Summer

After almost 18 months of seeing the top half of people on Zoom, we’re back—and these jewelry trends are hot, hot, hot! Evening strolls, restaurants, cookouts, and loads of weddings are luring us out of our homes. Here’s what the well-jeweled will be wearing as we make our way back into society. Bring on the […]

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Meet Alexandrite, one of June’s Birthstones—Emerald by Day/Ruby by Night

There’s a June birthday gem in town that you probably haven’t heard of. We’ve already discussed pearls and moonstones, so let’s examine alexandrite, the most expensive of the three. The most amazing thing about alexandrite: It changes color in different types of lighting. In daylight or fluorescent light it appears green; in incandescent light (lightbulb), […]

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Aquamarine brooch

Aquamarine Brings the Lure of the Sea to March

Look deep into an aquamarine and you can almost hear crashing waves. The name of March’s birthstone comes from the Latin for “sea water.” According to the GIA, ancient Romans believed it would calm rough seas. It was also believed that mermaids had these stones as their treasures—and would give them to sailors for their […]

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zoom call

Jewelry Can Make You the Star of Zoom Calls

We’re spending so much time on Zoom nowadays. And when your digital wardrobe consists of hoodies and leggings, breaking out your favorite jewelry pieces can help you look and feel better. Here are some tips on using your jewelry to impress on video, whether it’s for business or pleasure. Zoom rules for jewelry People will […]

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