A Matter of Brilliance is a professional jewelry appraisal company based in Newton, MA, founded by Aimee Berrent, Graduate Gemologist. Our appraisals can be used to:
Purple Passion: Celebrating the amethyst, February’s birthstone

If you love purple (and who doesn’t!), and your birthday’s in February, do we have a beautiful gemstone for you! The amethyst has been celebrated and beloved for centuries.
Don’t get drunk on its color!
The source of the amethyst’s name is a story all in itself— it’s from the Greek word, ametusthos, meaning “not intoxicated.” Ancients believed that wearing an amethyst—or drinking from an amethyst goblet—would keep the subject from getting drunk. (Don’t try this at home…)
Amethysts (a member of the quartz family) range in color from a light, pinkish violet to a deep purple. Its color comes from manganese and iron impurities and other trace elements—and today, the stone is often irradiated. Its hardness (7 on the Mohs scale) is the same as other quartz, which makes it a durable and lasting option for jewelry.
Healing properties
Those who write about the healing powers of amethyst crystals claim that the gemstone can soothe the mind and emotions (including controlling bad thoughts). They also say that it can be useful for stilling the mind and enhancing the quality of meditation. Some believe that it can increase wisdom, strengthen imagination and intuition, and comfort those grieving the loss of a loved one.
According to the American Gem Society “Leonard da Vinci once said that amethyst helps to quicken intelligence and get rid of evil thoughts.”
How to buy amethyst jewelry
- Check the color. Amethysts can sometimes have a striping effect due to how the gemstone originally cooled in the earth. Look for good color saturation, with no visible inclusions.
- Look for variety. This is not an extremely expensive stone by itself, which means that, together with the relative hardness of the stone means you can find larger, affordable pieces of jewelry.
- Some changes in color may occur naturally, following prolonged exposure to the UV rays present in sunlight.
Taking care of your amethysts
- Mild, diluted dish detergent can be used with a soft brush and cloth.
- As with many gemstones, be careful not to bang the crystal against hard surfaces to avoid cracking.
- Chlorine and salt water are not friends to gemstones, so leave your beautiful amethyst jewelry at home when you go to the pool or the beach.
Enjoy your special February birthstone, the amethyst. And don’t forget to protect all your fine jewelry, gemstones, and gold/silver with an updated appraisal. Call me at 617-304-0174 or email me at aimee@ambappraisal.com.

February is for lovers. And so are amethysts!
Romantically yours, Aimee
Hmmm Good n Nice Infomation.