Aquamarine Brings the Lure of the Sea to March

Aquamarine brooch

Look deep into an aquamarine and you can almost hear crashing waves. The name of March’s birthstone comes from the Latin for “sea water.” According to the GIA, ancient Romans believed it would calm rough seas. It was also believed that mermaids had these stones as their treasures—and would give them to sailors for their protection.

Know your aquamarine

  • This is the blue/green-blue form of beryl—when  crystal is green or bluish green, it’s an emerald!
  • According to, gem colors can range from blue, very slightly greenish blue, greenish blue, very strongly greenish blue, to green-blue. 
  • It’s found in high mountains of Pakistan
  • Early cultures believed it would help marriages be happy ones.
  • It’s found in large crystals, so it’s used for larger gemstones and carvings.
  • The Smithsonian’s “Dom Pedro” aquamarine is believed to be the largest faceted one in the world—at about 4.6 pounds!
  • These 6-sided crystals can grow to more than a foot!
Aquamarine ring and necklace

Healing properties

  • Early believers felt aquamarines gave the wearer protection in battles and quickened the intellect. It also symbolized the purity of spirit and soul.
  • Some think aquamarine brings soothing peace to the wearer and relieves stress—it can help you let go of feelings and cleanse troubling thoughts.
  • Just as the sea reflects the sky, some believe aquamarine can help uncover hidden meanings and truths.
  • Aquamarine powers are strongest when they’re near your head and neck.

Buying tips

  • The finest gems are strong dark blue to slightly blue-green.
  • You should look for stones that have no visible inclusions or faults.
  • The stones can be heat-treated, which makes them a richer blue. Ask your jeweler if the stone you’re interested in has had this treatment.

Cleaning help

  • It’s a pretty durable stone, rating 7.5 – 8.0 on the Mohs scale
  • To clean aquamarine jewelry, use warm water, mild dish soap, and a toothbrush to get in the crannies behind the stone, where dirt can collect.
aquamarine ring

Protect your aquamarine jewelry—and all of your precious gems, watches, heirlooms, gold, and silver pieces—with insurance. And before you talk with your agent, make sure you’ve got an updated appraisal! I’m seeing clients in person again; call me at 617-304-0174 or by email at

Until we can get back to the beach, aquamarine jewelry has a soothing, calming beauty that’s always in style. Enjoy your beautiful blue water-gems!

Brilliantly yours, Aimee

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