Tag Archives | jewelry insurance

peridot jewelry

Peridot, August’s Birthstone, is Out of This World…

If you’re looking for a birthstone with origins in outer-space and the depths of the earth, then the peridot is for you. It’s also the perfect summer stone, reflecting the bright, lush green of summer grass, plants, and trees. Origins From earth: The peridot is one of two minerals (along with the diamond) that doesn’t […]

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Hot Jewelry Trends for Summer

After almost 18 months of seeing the top half of people on Zoom, we’re back—and these jewelry trends are hot, hot, hot! Evening strolls, restaurants, cookouts, and loads of weddings are luring us out of our homes. Here’s what the well-jeweled will be wearing as we make our way back into society. Bring on the […]

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Aquamarine brooch

Aquamarine Brings the Lure of the Sea to March

Look deep into an aquamarine and you can almost hear crashing waves. The name of March’s birthstone comes from the Latin for “sea water.” According to the GIA, ancient Romans believed it would calm rough seas. It was also believed that mermaids had these stones as their treasures—and would give them to sailors for their […]

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January’s Birthstone, the Garnet, is a Vibrant Start to the Year

Winter skies may be gray, but January’s birthstone, the garnet, lends a sparkle that brightens the day. While they’re commonly red—ranging from rust to deep violet-red—garnets are actually found in a range of colors, including clear, pink, green (“tsavorite”), orange, yellow, brown, and black. Interesting facts Its name comes from Latin “granantum,” or seed—it resembles […]

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