
Tag Archives | august birthstone

peridot jewelry

Peridot, August’s Birthstone, is Out of This World…

If you’re looking for a birthstone with origins in outer-space and the depths of the earth, then the peridot is for you. It’s also the perfect summer stone, reflecting the bright, lush green of summer grass, plants, and trees. Origins From earth: The peridot is one of two minerals (along with the diamond) that doesn’t […]

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peridot earrings

August’s birthstone: The peridot, gift of the volcanoes

August is the only month to actually have three birthstones: the peridot, spinel, and sardonyx (known for its use in cameos). But for fresh green sparkle, nothing can top the peridot, which ranges from bright green to green-yellow. It’s also the stone for a 16th anniversary. Formed in volcanoes This gemstone was formed early in […]

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