A Matter of Brilliance is a professional jewelry appraisal company based in Newton, MA, founded by Aimee Berrent, Graduate Gemologist. Our appraisals can be used to:
Time to take “jewelry attendance” and inventory your valuables

What’s taking jewelry attendance? Well, ok, I made it up, but just as teachers take attendance of children in their class, this is a good time to take inventory of the valuables you own.
Before scheduling an appraisal, I always ask a client how many pieces they have. I can’t count the number of times they’ll answer, “20” or “25.” Then, when I’m in the middle of the appraisal, the client remembers more and more hiding places. Sometimes we can be up to 50 or 60 items.
Do you have an up-to-date inventory of what you own? There are several reasons to make sure you do:
- It can help in case of theft
- If something happens to you, it can alert others to their existence
- It can help you remember what you have in your collection

3 steps to protect your jewelry
- Take inventory
One of the most important things you can do to keep your valuables insured in case of fire, theft, or accidental loss. Start by walking around your home and listing your jewelry and heirlooms—and don’t forget pieces that are tucked away out of sight or in a safe deposit box.
- Get an updated appraisal
Do you know how much your valuables are worth in today’s prices? Really? One of my clients was wearing a gold bracelet. When I asked her why she wasn’t including it in the appraisal, she said, “Oh, I bought this years ago…it wasn’t much. Maybe $50.” I convinced her to let me appraise it—she couldn’t believe that, in today’s market, it was worth almost $1,000.
- Update your insurance
If you want to protect your valuables by insuring them, you’ll need to prove to their worth to the insurance company. That’s where the updated appraisal comes in. You may need a separate rider or policy from your homeowners, depending on how much you have. Check with your agent to make sure you have adequate insurance for these items before there’s a loss.
Tip: Your valuables include more than just gemstones. Don’t forget about heirloom watches, men’s chains, silver flatware, sterling silver pieces, antique clocks, and any other valuable that you may have bought or inherited.

Join the kids going back to school and take your own jewelry attendance! It’s an easy—but important—step to take for your peace of mind.
I can help you with your updated appraisal—so you’ll know how much your valuables are worth at today’s prices. Contact me at https://ambappraisal.com/, by email at aimee@ambappraisal.com, or at (617) 304-0174.
Brilliantly yours, Aimee
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