A Matter of Brilliance is a professional jewelry appraisal company based in Newton, MA, founded by Aimee Berrent, Graduate Gemologist. Our appraisals can be used to:
The Healing Power of Gemstones

For centuries, people have believed in the power of certain gemstones to heal ailments, strengthen hopes and ward off evil. Even if you’re not sold on the powers of crystals, it’s an intriguing concept.
While there’s no scientific evidence that crystals can heal, they’ve been a part of what we now call “alternative medicine” for centuries. It’s an interesting idea, and certainly won’t hurt—but of course, don’t rely on them—see your medical professional first.
How do crystals heal?
Crystal healers believe that both bodies and crystals have vibrations. By aligning our vibrations with the crystal’s, the energy surges to us and frees it to flow throughout the body. This process is even more powerful when we link it with a specific intention for what we want to bring or change in ourselves.
Gemstones and their healing powers
Here, with thanks to the American Gem Society, is a partial listing of some gemstones and their healing properties. (See their full list)
Gemstone | Healing power attributed |
Amber | Aids memory, can help headaches, relieves stress |
Amethyst | Reduces insomnia, aids meditation, balance, and inner strength; gets rid of negative thoughts and can increase spiritual wisdom |
Aquamarine | Releases fear, calms nerves, aids the liver, throat, and jaw |
Emerald | Increases love, compassion, and healing, while promoting abundance |
Garnet | Aids blood, heart, and lungs; promotes passion and intimacy |
Onyx | Brings spiritual inspiration; helps control emotions |
Ruby | Aids the emotions; increases energy and can improve sensuality and intellect; used in ancient times to improve the circulatory system |
Sapphire | Said to attract prosperity and happiness; increases intuition; can help depression, anxiety, and insomnia |
Topaz | Balances emotions and provides protection from greed |
Turquoise | Healing and balancing; can help with expanding spirituality |

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