A Matter of Brilliance is a professional jewelry appraisal company based in Newton, MA, founded by Aimee Berrent, Graduate Gemologist. Our appraisals can be used to:
Got engaged? Here’s how to care for your blingy, new diamond ring!
The holidays are prime time for romantic gestures. If you recently said “yes,” your next step (after showing off your new diamond engagement ring to family and friends) is to make sure it’s safe and protected. (These tips are also great if your ring isn’t so new!)

Taking care of your diamond engagement ring
- Clean it regularly. Oils and dirt can dull the stone’s luster, so one of the easiest ways to clean it is in a dish of warm water with a few drops of dishwashing detergent and a soft baby toothbrush. (And don’t wash it over the sink—more than one engagement ring has gone down the drain!)
- Know when to take it off—and when to leave it on. Going to the beach? Leave the bling at home. Cold seawater can make your finger shrink, allowing the ring to slip off. So can slippery suntan lotion. When shouldn’t you take your ring off? When you’re washing your hands, especially out of the house. You could: 1) forget and leave it in the ladies room; or 2) knock it down the drain. One clever solution I heard…if you absolutely need to take off your diamond engagement ring, put it on a chain around your neck for the time being.
- Get a prong-check. It’s new now, but over time, prongs can loosen. Every year or so, bring your diamond engagement ring into a jeweler and have it checked out to make sure the stone is still secure. Or, if you shake the ring and hear anything making a sound, definitely have it checked out.
- Protect it! Protect it! If you just got your engagement ring over the holidays, your next step should be to make sure you’ve got it insured against accidental “oopsies.” Either take the appraisal from the jeweler, or better still, have an independent appraiser take a look at it. (This is important if you have an heirloom ring that doesn’t have an updated appraisal https://ambappraisal.com/why-appraise). Send the appraisal to your insurance a.s.a.p. and you can get a rider on your renter’s or homeowner’s policy.
If your engagement (and wedding) have come and gone, you may forget to update your ring’s appraisal. DO IT! There’s nothing worse than having something happen to your jewelry and getting less from your insurance than it’s currently worth. Call me at 617-304-0174 to set up an appointment.
Congratulations on your engagement! Enjoy your new sparklies, and don’t forget to keep them safe!
Sparklingly yours, Aimee
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