Moonstone gems on a woman's hand

Wear Your Moonbeams: June’s “Other” Birthstone, the Moonstone

June actually has several birthstones; we’ve discussed pearls and alexandrite in previous articles. This month I want to spotlight the luminous moonstone gem, both affordable and beautiful. In Hindu mythology, that moonstone was said to be created from moonbeams, which explained the beautiful “moonlight” that shimmers across the stone. It’s affordable, mysterious, and beautiful. Moonstone […]

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old and new watches

It’s Time: Keep Your Watchbands in Tick-Tock Shape!

Whether you’ve got a Rolex or Apple Watch, proper care will help their bands last longer and protect your investment. Think about it—you wear your watch almost every day, whether you’re working, exercising, traveling, or playing. But when was the last time you cleaned the band from the dirt, oils, sweat, and soap that have […]

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pile of cut emerald jewels

Emeralds, May’s Birthstone, Bring Love and Hope

“That must be the City of Emeralds!” said Dorothy to her companions. The emerald is a symbol of rebirth and nature—perfect for its role as May’s birthstone. This lush, deep green gem represents good fortune, youth, balance, and growth. Along with rubies, sapphires, and diamonds, the emerald is one of the four recognized precious stones. […]

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array of shiny diamonds

Diamonds: April’s Birthstone and A Girl’s Best Friend

“A diamond allows the soul’s light to shine out.” Ahh, the diamond. The queen of the gem kingdom. The hardest natural substance on earth. And definitely a girl’s best friend. These gems were formed before dinosaurs roamed the earth: the youngest are about 900 million years old, and the oldest are 3.2 billion years old—but […]

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From Mermaids’ Jewelry Boxes to Yours: Aquamarine, March’s Birthstone

As the first of the spring birthstones, aquamarine (whose name means “waters of the sea”) possesses the healing qualities of the ocean, especially tranquility, serenity, and harmony. It’s known for its distinctive blue-green color as well as its clarity. Shades range from deep teal to a pale, crystal blue. Throughout history, it’s been associated with legends […]

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Shine Bright Like An Amethyst, February’s Birthstone

“If you want to make a statement, wear purple.” —Baron Davis Did you know that amethysts were once more valuable than sapphires? This lilac to deep purple variety of quartz were exceeding rare until the 19th century, and were worn by royalty around the world. When large deposits were found in Brazil, the stones became […]

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Every Woman Needs a Tiara: From the royal collection

Always walk around like you have on an invisible tiara. —Paris Hilton Let’s be honest…you want one. Most women do. And anyone who’s been to a wedding can attest to the popularity of tiaras—making the bride a princess for the day. Tiaras symbolize social status and power. Rulers have worn them all through history, from […]

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