A Matter of Brilliance is a professional jewelry appraisal company based in Newton, MA, founded by Aimee Berrent, Graduate Gemologist. Our appraisals can be used to:
Chlorine and Jewelry Don’t Mix: Guard Against this Summer Enemy

Whether you’re using a pool, hot tub, or hand sanitizer/wipes, chlorine and jewelry don’t mix. We wrote about it last summer, but it’s worth repeating: Keep your rings, bracelets, and necklaces away from this corrosive substance.
What can chlorine do?
Wearing a wedding band and/or engagement ring? It can damage, corrode, and discolor the rings’ mountings, regardless of metal: platinum, gold, or white-gold. It’s also dangerous for pearls and can take away the sheen of bright colored stones that are heat-treated, like emeralds, rubies, lapis lazuli, and jade.
Where do you find chlorine in daily life?
Some sanitizers, like Purell, don’t have chlorine. But others, like Clorox, do. Be sure to check out what you’re spritzing on your hands, and if it contains bleach, best to remove your jewelry first.

Other summer hazards for your jewels
- Bright sun: Some stones are particularly susceptible to strong sunlight.
- Sand, gardening: Sand and gravel are natural abrasives, so avoid wearing
- Sunscreen or bug spray: Lotion can seep into crevices and around a stone, loosening it. And sprays can leave a dull film on gemstones.
- Extreme temps: Going from hot to cold (like frigid seawater) can make your fingers shrink—and once your ring slips off into the ocean floor…well, that’s an expensive sea treasure for some fish to find.
Take care of your jewels this summer
- Sweat and body oils can dull your sparklies—and even make rings slippery. Wipe them down after wearing them. Use gentle soap and a soft toothbrush to get that sparkle back.
- Be extra careful of loose fittings, like prongs and clasps. You should bring diamonds and precious stones to the jeweler at least once a year to make sure everything’s ship-shape. They’ll be able to professionally clean your jewelry, too.
And the best way to protect your jewels…
…is to make sure they’re insured against damage or loss. Talk to your agent about your coverage. And to be certain you’re adequately protected, get an up-to-date appraisal—of all rings, bracelets, necklaces, heirlooms, and other valuables. Call me and we can take care of it at 617-304-0174 or by email a aimee@ambappraisal.com.
Wishing you a safe, wonderful summer!
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