A Matter of Brilliance is a professional jewelry appraisal company based in Newton, MA, founded by Aimee Berrent, Graduate Gemologist. Our appraisals can be used to:
Jewelry Can Make You the Star of Zoom Calls

We’re spending so much time on Zoom nowadays. And when your digital wardrobe consists of hoodies and leggings, breaking out your favorite jewelry pieces can help you look and feel better. Here are some tips on using your jewelry to impress on video, whether it’s for business or pleasure.
Zoom rules for jewelry
- People will basically see the top third of your body, so focus on how that part of the picture will look.
- If you’re using headphones, keep earrings small and not dangly so they don’t catch on the wires.
- We’ve all been on calls when someone’s jingling. Hold off on charm or stacked bracelets. However, wrap bracelets can be perfect for the call and won’t make noise.
- Light’s important on your call, so be careful about shiny pendants. They can be super distracting and actually reflect parts of your face or your ring light. Go for textured metals; hold off on mirrored gold or silver shapes for in-person meetings.

Necklaces—the main event
Adding a statement or simple gold necklace can add sparkle to your outfit—and to you. Even a simple T-shirt can transform to a more interesting visual with a sharp necklace.
- Go big and bold with your necklaces—it’ll draw attention to your face. Take a look at what newscasters wear—you’ll see a lot of chunky chains. They make any top “pop.”
- If chunky necklaces aren’t your thing, layer thinner chains and necklaces to get a look that will sparkle. Mix up pendants and don’t shy away from color. Be bold and mix metals, stones, and lengths. This is a great opportunity to wear your healing crystal, if you like.
- Placement is important: Avoid long chains and pendants that will fall under the upper-third of your body, the part that shows on the screen. The best placement is above the neckline or right below.

Earrings frame your face
- The right statement earrings can frame your face and draw attention to your picture. And bold earrings are a great way to add a pop of color to your image.
- As we said above, dangly earrings can be a great frame to your face, but be careful if you’re wearing earphones—you don’t want them to get caught in the middle of a call.
- If you can, consider wearing your hair back or up to highlight dramatic chandelier or hoop earrings.
- Designer tip: Go heavy on the earrings or on the necklace—but not both. You don’t want to blind others on the call so that they don’t listen to what you’re saying.
Zoom at your fingertips
We tend to think of neck-up for zoom calls, but don’t forget your fingers—as you gesture, adjust your screen, or brush your hair out of your eye, your fingertips will be in full focus. Even if your fingers don’t make an appearance, you’ll be able to see them yourself. Break out those statement rings!
If you haven’t already done it, an updated appraisal is the first step to keeping your fine jewelry, watches, silver, and other precious pieces safe. And once I conduct the appraisal, at your home or in my office, you’ll have the documentation for your records and for your insurance company. Call me to schedule an appointment at 617-304-0174 or at aimee@ambappraisal.com.
Wearing your jewelry is also an opportunity to get away from the pandemic blues. Wear pieces that have wonderful memories, that help you remember that this will be over, and remind you that you’ll once again be socializing in real life—instead of a laptop screen.
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